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Analytics and Reporting within  MYOB Acumatica

Gain greater insights into your company and accelerate
decision-making with reporting tools that deliver
customised views of your business through personalized
dashboards, so you can analyse trends in real-time.

  • Single version of the truth
  • Multi-dimensional reporting
  • Security by role
  • Custom reports and personalised dashboards
  • Multiple display options

Visualise and Analyse Key Data with Insights Across Your MYOB Acumatica Solution

MYOB Acumatica accelerates decision-making with reporting tools that deliver personalised views of your business to every department. Tailor real-time, role-based reports, inquiries, and dashboards with security to control access to sensitive information.

MYOB Acumatica's user interface enables users to design dashboards with little or no training to deliver real-time information for their needs. Users can also customize a "home" dashboard as well as a dashboard for each application workspace.

MYOB Acumatica's Analytical Report Manager (ARM) improves performance with easy maintenance for free-form report creation utilizing rows, columns, and units.

MYOB Acumatica enables you to analyse data from multiple perspectives, using subaccounts with segmented keys to break down information into smaller facets.

MYOB Acumatica lets users create custom reports without coding or IT support. You can generate custom reports and retrieve reports online to inform decisions. Createtemplates for commonly used report types.

MYOB Acumatica can tailor reports to meet the information needs of all roles in your organization so sensitive information is only shared with the individuals who have appropriate access..

Microsoft Power BI

Leverage MYOB Acumatica’s integrated business intelligence tools, such as Microsoft Power BI, to aggregate data from multiple sources, extract actionable information for strategic and tactical decision making and present visually to stakeholders.

Modern cloud ERP applications  such as MYOB Acumatica must provide companies with a foundation to combine data from multiple systems with configurable inquiries, tailored reports, actionable role-based dashboards, and dimensional data analysis to ensure data integrity and timeliness.


User Dashboards, Mobile and Business Events

Interactive, Real-Time Dashboards:

Use role-based dashboards to visualise data from multiple sources. Dashboard content is dynamically generated for realtime results with drilldowns to view detailed transactions.

Mobile Access

Conveniently access dashboards, reports, and Generic Inquiries from secure mobile devices.

Business Events - conditions

Use business events or conditions to trigger email alerts, SMS text notifications, or tasks when conditions occur in the database that require user intervention or to keep teammates updated.

In addition, MYOB Acumatica can create custom workflows to manage actions across business units and departments to facilitate change throughout the organisation.


Understanding the importance of reporting and KPI visibility in a company is crucial for driving success and growth. Comprehensive reporting and clear visibility into key performance indicators (KPIs) provide valuable insights into business performance, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning. Accurate and timely reports help identify trends, uncover inefficiencies, and measure progress against goals, ensuring that management can respond proactively to challenges and opportunities. Enhanced KPI visibility fosters accountability and alignment across departments, promoting a data-driven culture that drives continuous improvement. By leveraging robust reporting tools and KPI dashboards, companies can boost productivity, optimise operations, and achieve sustainable growth. Importantly MYOB Acumatica tickes these boxes with inbuilt tools! This capability must be truly compared as it is indeed class leading!

Learn more about reporting, KPI's and creating Buiness Events with MYOB Acumatica by contacting our team today to arrange a review.

