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Unlock the Full Potential of Your Field Service Operations with the Right ERP System.

Selecting a field service management and accounting ERP system to run your business is a decision that will affect your company for many years. Many products offer the same or similar features, and it can be confusing to sort out what’s important and what’s not. The Field Service ERP Evaluation Tool from MYOB Advanced can help.

There is a limited number of field service ERP systems available—but that does not mean your selection process will be easy. Eliminate options that do not meet your needs to identify a shortlist of the best ERP application for your needs.

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Introducing the Field Service ERP Evaluation Checklist

Focus your ERP selection process with a new checklist from MYOB Advanced. This handy resource identifies which solution most closely meets your business, operations and service management needs, ensuring you make the best choice for your company.

What’s Inside the Checklist?

Our comprehensive checklist is designed to help you navigate the complexities of selecting a field service ERP system. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Focus Your Evaluation: Direct your product evaluation process towards the most critical factors for your business.
  • Prioritise Key Features: Set 46 common ERP features as Low, Medium, or High priority based on your specific operational requirements.
  • Evaluate Across Essential Categories: Assess field service ERP systems across five critical categories, ensuring a thorough evaluation.
  • Compare Top Choices: Rate your top ERP choices alongside MYOB Advanced to see how they stack up against each other.
  • Build a Convincing Business Case: Create a compelling argument to present to your colleagues and stakeholders, highlighting the best ERP system for your company’s needs.

Five Essential Categories for Evaluation

  1. Functionality and Features: Ensure the ERP system offers the specific features you need for field service management such as scheduling, dispatching, inventory management and customer relationship management (CRM).
  2. Ease of Use: The system should be user-friendly with an intuitive interface that requires minimal training for your staff. Ease of use directly impacts user adoption and productivity.
  3. Scalability and Flexibility: Choose an ERP that can grow with your business. It should be flexible enough to adapt to changing business needs and scalable to support business growth.
  4. Integration Capabilities: The ERP system must seamlessly integrate with your existing software and third-party applications, ensuring a unified and efficient workflow across all departments.
  5. Support and Training: Reliable customer support and comprehensive training resources are crucial. Ensure the ERP provider offers robust support options to help your team get the most out of the system.

Why Use the Checklist?

Choosing the right field service ERP system is crucial for ensuring efficient operations, enhanced productivity and improved service management. The right ERP system can provide a real-time view of your business, streamline processes and support your long-term goals. However, the wrong choice can lead to inefficiencies, wasted resources and frustration.

Our ERP comparison checklist is designed to:

  • Save Time: Focus your research on the most important aspects, shaving weeks off your evaluation process.
  • Reduce Complexity: Simplify the selection process by breaking it down into manageable categories.
  • Improve Decision-Making: Make informed decisions based on a clear understanding of key features and benefits.

Download Field Service ERP Evaluation Checklist

About MYOB Advanced

MYOB Advanced Cloud ERP is a comprehensive business management solution that was born in the cloud and built for more connected, collaborative ways of working. Designed explicitly to enable small and mid-market companies to thrive in today’s digital economy, MYOB Advanced flexible solution, customer-friendly business practices, and industry-specific functionality help growing businesses adapt to fast-moving markets and take control of their future.

For more information on MYOB Advanced visit: MYOB Advanced - Cloud ERP