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MYOB Acumatica features incredibly powerful Inventory functionality.  Across Distribution and Manufacturing the solution simplifies inventory processes with flexible item management, quality traceability, and robust replenishment to balance supply and demand. Optimise stocking levels to avoid rush orders and stock-outs, achieving higher inventory turns and lower carrying costs.

  • Robust kitting and disassembly
  • Streamlined item management with matrix items
  • Powerful replenishment for automated orders
  • Quality traceability with lot and serial control
  • Flexible locations: Warehouse, Aisle, Rack, Shelf and Bin
  • Manage complex pricing and discount policies

Meet MYOB Acumatica Distribution Management! MYOB Acumatica Distribution Management is a Cloud ERP System which helps you manage your supply chain activities, logistics activities, warehouse management, inventory management, order management such as sales and purchase orders and combine it with the company's financials and sales all in one place. 

How does MYOB Acumatica Distribution Management help your business?


  • Increase inventory turns
  • Improve inventory accuracy with barcoding and physical inventory
  • Manage inventory effectively to avoid stock-out situations.
  • Accurately track costs of goods sold and inventory carrying costs.
  • Improve compliance with lot and serial tracking, expiration dates and connected quality apps.
  • Identify low and dead-stock items.
  • Analyse profitability by item and product class or family.

“MYOB Acumatica tracks inventory in the right categories for us and provides for drill down to see the specifics on what’s behind the number. Acumatica is already doing more than our last system could, giving us a competitive edge."

Basically, an end-to-end system will help you understand gaps in your processes. Knowing where you need to improve, will in turn improve customer satisfaction while minimising costs, reduce order times, ensure a steady supply of materials by optimizing and automating your purchasing process, and control costs over the entire chain of supply and distribution. 

What does MYOB Acumatica Distribution Management include?

The MYOB Acumatica Distribution Management edition includes the following: 

  • Sales Order Management
  • Advanced Inventory
  • Purchase Requisition Management
  • Purchase Order Management
  • Warehouse Management System and
  • Advanced Financials.

Download eBook below for all benefits and Case Study

inventory-and-distribution-eBook_blue_cfDownload the MYOB Acumatica Inventory and Distribution eBook below to gain more insight into the benefits listed above as well as a case study on one of our MYOB Advanced Business success stories.