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MYOB Acumatica Analytics and Reporting

Gain greater insights into your organisation and accelerate decision-making with reporting tools that deliver customised views of your business through personalised dashboards, so you can analyse trends in real-time.

  • Single version of the truth
  • Multi-dimensional reporting
  • Security by role
  • Custom reports and personalised dashboards
  • Multiple display options

Visualise & Analyse Business Data with MYOB Acumatica

MYOB Acumatica accelerates decision-making with reporting tools that deliver personalised views of your business to every department. Tailor real-time, role-based reports, inquiries and dashboards with security to control access to sensitive information.


Unlocking Business Insights with MYOB Acumatica

  • Visualise data using tables, piecharts and other graphics.
  • Gain insights with live dashboards.
  • Drill-down to detailed transactions.
  • Create KPIs to measure progress toward configurable goals.
  • Design custom dashboards with little or no training.
  • Produce and share HTML, PDF, Excel and Word report formats.
  • Support generation of signed PDF documents and automate report delivery over email.
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Enhance Your Business Reporting with MYOB Acumatica


MYOB Acumatica's user interface enables users to design dashboards with little or no training to deliver real-time information for their needs. Users can also customise a "home" dashboard as well as a dashboard for each application workspace.


MYOB Acumatica enables you to analyse data from multiple perspectives, using subaccounts with segmented keys to break down information into smaller facets.


MYOB Acumatica can tailor reports to meet the information needs of all roles in your organisation so sensitive information is only shared with the individuals who have appropriate access.


MYOB Acumatica's Analytical Report Manager (ARM) improves performance with easy maintenance for free-form report creation utilising rows, columns, and units.




MYOB Acumatica lets users create custom reports without coding or IT support. You can generate custom reports and retrieve reports online to inform decisions. Create templates for commonly used report types.
  • Branding: Customise reports with your branding and images, including full control over fonts and placement of information.
  • Templates: Easily create report templates by saving report parameters as a template and populating reports with the template's parameters.
  • Ad Hoc Filters: Apply ad hoc filters to entry forms and report forms to display only the data you need at that moment.
  • Multi-Dimensional Reporting: Use subaccounts with segmented keys to break-down information into smaller facets to view items by price, color, size, store location or any number of dimensions that you select.
  • Business Report Designer: Create visually-compelling reports, including sales reports, check forms, invoices and more. Easily design new reports or customise predefined reports with MYOB Acumatica Business Reports Designer.
  • Combined Reports: Create multiple reports and merge them into a single package before sending them as an HTML or PDF file.
  • Scheduled Reports: Schedule report generation with delivery email delivery options.
  • Signed PDF Documents: Generate signed PDF documents via the report engine.
  • Create Reports and Dashboards from Generic Inquiries: Use Generic Inquiries to access data contained in MYOB Acumatica and make it available for reports, dashboards, Excel files or OData.
  • Secure Data Access: Reports, Generic Inquiries and Dashboards incorporate defined user security policies to protect access to sensitive data.
  • Pivot Tables: Create multiple pivot tables for each Generic Inquiry. You can use pivot tables to reorganise and summarise data in a Generic Inquiry and view it from different perspectives.
  • Microsoft Excel Export: Export a Generic Inquiry to MS Excel and place parameters on a separate Excel sheet. The result is an Excel file with a data sheet containing the Generic Inquiry data and a parameters sheet containing the parameters used prior to export.
  • Reusable Filters: Leverage reusable filters to create and apply complex filters and save them for future use.
  • Flexible Viewing: Toggle between parameters and views without losing changes made on the parameters view.
  • Generic Inquiry Side Panels: Add a side panel to Generic Inquiries to show the details of specific records in an inquiry all on the same screen. Side panels can be resized, maximised, or minimised.
  • Email from Generic Inquiries: Easily send targeted communication to customers, vendors, prospects, employees or other contacts through filtered Generic Inquiry results.
  • Financial Reporting: Use the Analytical Report Manager to build analytical reports that retrieve amounts posted to particular general ledger accounts and subaccounts. You can configure reports to display data for a company, company group or branches of a company. Specify multiple, non-continuous ranges in the data source for accounts, subaccounts and branches in the general ledger engine.
  • Display Totals: Request Generic Inquiries display total values, including average, max, min and sum.
  • Microsoft Power BI: Leverage MYOB Acumatica’s integrated business intelligence tools, such as Microsoft Power BI, to aggregate data from multiple sources, extract actionable information for strategic and tactical decisionmaking and present it visually to stakeholders.
  • Interactive, Real-Time Dashboards: Use role-based dashboards to visualise data from multiple sources. Dashboard content is dynamically generated for realtime results with drilldowns to view detailed transactions.
  • Mobile Access: Conveniently access dashboards, reports and Generic Inquiries from secure mobile devices.
  • Business Events: Use business events to trigger email alerts, SMS text notifications or tasks when conditions occur in the database that require user intervention or to keep teammates updated.

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